Data Protection and Information Security Awareness Training
Data Protection and Information Security Awareness Training either as online learning or as workshops.
Who is it for?
Training workshops can be tailored for different audiences from senior leadership teams to in-house technical and IT teams.
Training can be delivered for senior level audience or for operational staff working with personal data as part of their daily job role.
The course will cover:
- Email Misuse
- Staff Awareness Phishing and Ransomware
- Staff Awareness GDPR and PECR
- Staff Awareness Information Security & Cyber Security
- Staff Awareness Information Security & ISO27001
- Advanced Information Security & Cyber Security training
- PCI-DSS Compliance
- Staff Awareness
” His work with AI for Accessibility has allowed him to lead and talk within platforms up and down the country, on how Microsoft technology can help Learners with disabilities become empowered and included.. “
Amy Rosato
Data and AI Specialist - Microsoft
“ I am now not only an A Level English teacher – I am an A Level English teacher who uses a range of engaging technologies, both in and out of the classroom, to enhance my students’ learning experience. Thanks to Esam we are now a thoroughly modern group who regularly use technologies like Microsoft Teams and Office Lens and other assistive learning technologies as everyday learning tools.“
Nora Holder
Lead Teacher Trainer
” Esam has worked with me on many projects now, and every time his input is so valuable. He never disappoints. He has supported teachers at many providers to improve their practice through the use of technology; helped providers develop smarter systems; and worked collaboratively to develop applications for education. I can’t recommend him highly enough “
Deborah McVey
Consultant at Deborah McVey Consultants